ChainIkSolverPos_TL can be dramatically improved

Issue #28 closed
Davide Faconti created an issue


I found out that there is a much better strategy than the one used by ChainIkSolverPos_TL (random seed) to improve over the original chainiksolverpos_nr_jl.

Instead of clamping or wrapping the Q using the joint limits and hope for the best, you can move inside the nullspace to escape the joint limit.

In the benchmark ik_test.cpp I achieved these result with the PR2 arm:

  1. original KDL using KDL::ChainIkSolverVel_pinv: 80%, 1.45 ms
  2. original KDL using KDL::ChainIkSolverVel_pinv_givens: 86%, 1.15 ms
  3. mine (joint limit avoid with nullspace, NO random seed): 97%, 0.45 ms

I will be happy to create a pull request... but it would be more convenient if the other one is accepted first ;)

Comments (4)

  1. Patrick Beeson Account Deactivated

    Since I assume this is only going to affect the KDL cpp file, is it possible to make a PR for this fix?

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