Fail to contruct pose goal.

Issue #4 invalid
Tim Pfeifer created an issue

I tried to use your IK as a KDL replacement for MoveIt! replacement in combination with a Kinova MICO arm. With the following setPoseTarget() function I successfully planned using the MoveIt! demo.launch configuration. (with fake controllers and without real hardware)

_ArmGroup.setPoseTarget(Goal)  //set a PoseStamped as goal

When I tried to repeat this on a real system I got the following error messages:

[ INFO] [1448382079.487657532]: Planning request received for MoveGroup action. Forwarding to planning pipeline.

[ERROR] [1448382079.518164301]: Unable to construct goal representation

[ WARN] [1448382079.519438906]: Fail: ABORTED: Catastrophic failure

I didn't expect this, because there is no different version of the kinematics.yaml or other configuration files for both scenarios. (Except the controllers.yaml of cause.) So on this point I'm not sure if this is a bug or a user error. Maybe there is a possibility to get more debug information from your moveit plugin?

Comments (4)

  1. Patrick Beeson Account Deactivated

    Thanks for reporting this. A few questions to help:

    1) Can you include a pointer to your URDF?

    2) This works on the real system with KDL?

    3) There are some debug statement, but I can obviously add more in the plugin to help determine exactly what is happening here, but without the real hardware, it will be impossible to reproduce your problem. Is there a way you can fork trac_ik, make new debug branch off master, and add some ROS_WARN statements to test what's going on. Specifically, where CartToJoint() in the plugin is calls, it would be useful to know if that returns, and if so, what the error code is. If it is 0, then IK was successful, if -3 then it was not. If it was 0, then perhaps you could output the returned joints along with the joint limits that were passed into the TRAC_IK constructor.

  2. Tim Pfeifer reporter

    I'm really sorry. I had a problem with the git clone procedure on my robot. Some files were missing after the checkout and I never had a complete build without getting a compiler error. Now everything works fine. Thank you for your help.

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