runKDL and runNLOPT don't return a value.

Issue #48 resolved
Fernandez Iribar, Asier created an issue

Hi there,

Sometimes when we launch:

roslaunch trac_ik_examples pr2_arm.launch

the program crashes when program reachROS_INFO_STREAM("*** Testing TRAC-IK with

This is or setup:

  • Ubuntu 14.04 and ROS indigo-devel.

  • Using catkin tools with clan++3.9 or g++ 4.8.4

  • We tried both master and kinetic-devel branches of trac_ik

Looking the code, we saw that runKDL and runNLOPT don't return a value, when they are suppose to. if I set the return value:

inline bool TRAC_IK::runKDL(const KDL::JntArray &q_init, const KDL::Frame &p_in)
  return runSolver( *iksolver.get(), *nl_solver.get(), q_init, p_in);

instead of

inline bool TRAC_IK::runKDL(const KDL::JntArray &q_init, const KDL::Frame &p_in)
  runSolver( *iksolver.get(), *nl_solver.get(), q_init, p_in);

in both runKDL and runNLOPT methods, the example ik_tests.cpp works fine.

I'm not sure why this crash issue happens to me and not to you. I might miss something, especially because I have not work that much with boost synchronization mechanisms, but I think that if both methods are suppose to return something, it should be added.


Comments (2)

  1. Patrick Beeson Account Deactivated

    Thanks for the catch. This was just recently introduced from a user's pull request. I fixed this in the HEAD and even pushed for ros binaries to be updated.

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