how to get trac_ik version

Issue #74 resolved
Eric created an issue

New in ROS. I have used the trac_ik recently.

The file CHANGELOG.rst shows the version, but if there is any way to get the trac_ik version have been used in my workspace.

Thanks a lot.

Comments (2)

  1. Mike Lanighan

    To check what version of the debians you have currently installed you can use some linux command line tools like apt to show what is installed.
    For instance, in Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS noetic:

    apt search ros-noetic-trac-ik

    should show you what version of the trac_ik debian you have installed on your system.

    If you are running from source you can view the git logs to confirm what version you are running. If you are unsure if you are building against debians or source in your workspace you can verify with rospack-for example

    rospack list | grep trac_ik

    should show you the paths to the trac_ik packages you are building against. If the paths point to your workspace then you are building against source. If the paths point to /opt/ros/noetic/ then you are building against the debians.

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