Handle consistency limits in MoveIt! plugin

Issue #8 closed
Patrick Beeson created an issue

MoveIt! plugin can get consistency limits that keep the answer close to the seed. SHould add support for this.

Comments (11)

  1. Jimmy Da Silva

    Hello Patrick!

    Nice job on this solver, it seems to work like a charm. Unfortunately this issue prevents me from using your solver with MoveIt properly (Calling the IK service to get a joint position doesn't give the closest target, BUT IK is fast and uses the seed when setting path constraints)

    Do you know where the problem is exactly? I looked quickly at the code and saw that you are using the seed state everywhere so I don't know what is wrong here so far.

    Looking forward to seeing this nice solver working alongside MoveIt,

    Jimmy Da Silva

  2. Patrick Beeson Account Deactivated reporter

    @JimmyDaSilva If you use the Distance mode, it will return the closest IK it finds in the max time you allow it to run for (I'd suggest at least 5-10 ms depending on your chain)

  3. Jimmy Da Silva

    @patrickbeeson It seems to work now with the distance mode on. Thank you for your help and this great package !

  4. Jimmy Da Silva

    Though by repeating the same 2 IK calls over and over I sometimes (quite rare now) get an IK quite far from the current state. I suggest it's caused by an internal problem of MoveIt, or maybe the kinematics_solver_timeout param is a little bit to small.


  5. Patrick Beeson Account Deactivated reporter

    If you send me your URDF, your timeout, and the two IK call poses (with seed values if it isn't just from the two solutions), I can verify if this is a problem with my solver. I'd doubt it, but I'd like to make sure.

    Prior to that, I guess I should ask if increasing the timeout helped?

  6. Patrick Beeson Account Deactivated reporter

    Bump. I'm willing to help you diagnose this issue in my spare time.

  7. Patrick Beeson Account Deactivated reporter

    OK. I need a bit more info to successfully reproduce this:

    1. What time out are you using?
    2. What joint are you commanding to the Cartesian goal?
    3. What two Cartesian goals were you using to make the graph above?
  8. Jimmy Da Silva

    @pbeeson Sorry for the late reply.

    1. 0.01 for the kinematics_solver_timeout
    2. link_7
    3. I don't have the exact values anymore. But it was something like (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) <-> (-0.5, 0.5, 0.5) for the position and RPY = (-pi, 0.0, 0.0) for the orientation


  9. Patrick Beeson Account Deactivated reporter

    After looking into this, I'm pretty convinced this error is NOT due to trac-ik. TRAC-IK runs all solutions for Distance through a function (normalize_seed() in track_ik.cpp) that looks at each joint in the solution and if it is possible to add/subtract 2PI and be closer to the seed value for that joint, it does so. The graph you show where joint6 goes REALLY high to +3, would be detected by this function as > PI from the seed (current position) near -1.6 and would have changed that joint to be closer to -3 instead of +3. My guess is that something (MoveIt!) is calling IK with a bad seed. IF you could nail down exactly the code used that calls moveit it repeatedly between two poses that exhibits this behavior, I could reproduce on my machine, I could determine if the seeds are bad, or if indeed there is a rare bug that I cannot reproduce with my current testing suite.

  10. Jimmy Da Silva

    That's what I thought. It's not the first time I see MoveIt giving bad seed states. Especially if the time between two plans is smaller than 1s it seems that the start state is not updated correctly.

    @pbeeson Thank you so much for looking into this and making this amazing repo.

    Looking forward to seeing trac_ik release soon with ros and MoveIt

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