What is the difference between exact and free text search?

Issue #3 resolved
Adolfo Casari created an issue


Comments (3)

  1. &(*&)#)_*#@@(*)(@*)(*@ repo owner

    "Exact Text Searcher" is the 'usual' search . ie : An issue containing the text "Free 1" will appears in the stats with a label "Free 1"

    "Free Text Searcher" is the 'unusual' search that will test every word. ie : An issue containing the text "Free 1" will appears in the stats with a label "Free" and a label "1" ,

    Here is a comprehensive exemple from the wiki,

    Exact Text Searcher (stats)


    Free Text Searcher (stats)


    With the "Free Text Searcher" all issue containing "free" are contained under the label "free" (free text searcher is not case sensitive)

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