If name of the search filter is large, 'save' button is not shown in the interface

Issue #5 wontfix
Manuka Chamara created an issue


I noticed that when name of the filter is lengthy , then save button is not shown. Please refer the [screenshot attached. JIRA version 6.0.6

Thanks, Chamara

Comments (3)

  1. &(*&)#)_*#@@(*)(@*)(*@ repo owner

    This issue is actually related to the Pie Chart gadget template, there is nothing to be done from the jira-stattable-searchers side.


    As a workaround you may want to maximize the pie chart gadget or using a one column layout or you can change the font size in the navigator when configuring.


    best regards,

  2. &(*&)#)_*#@@(*)(@*)(*@ repo owner

    this issue is caused by long name in the pie chart gadget velocity template, very long name should be truncated and display full text on hover.

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