Text field with spaces are treated as separate values on the gadget Two Dimensional Filter Statistics

Issue #8 resolved
Former user created an issue

We have a text field titled "Scheduled For Version". A user will enter in a text value of 8.3 SP2. When I create a gadget based on this field the results will return two counts for 8.3 instead of one count for 8.3 SP2.

IMG1.JPG - shows the results in column "8.3". IMG2.JPG - when you click on the value "3" for column "8.3" you will see that the Scheduled For Version is actually "8.3 SP2".

Should I use the "Exact Match (stats)" search template, or does the plugin not take into account text with spaces?

Comments (4)

  1. Paul Smith

    I should mention the following.

    IMG1.jpg - column 8.3 and column sp2 contain the same number of issues. Since there is a space between these two for field "Scheduled For Version" (8.3 SP2), the gadget output treats the results as two separate values instead of one.

  2. &(*&)#)_*#@@(*)(@*)(*@ repo owner

    Yes , in this case you want to use the "Exact Match (stats)" search template

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