NPCBots v4

Issue #109 closed
trickerer repo owner created an issue

Long time we have been waiting for it, and now it happened - new version of npcbots is out.
This is alpha version so I want you guys to test it for crashes/dire bugs.

There is the reason: I built it at WinXP using MinGW but I can't run it on this system - server crashes on startup. I have updated the patch I've been working with (from exactly 6 months ago) and it was crash free (as far as I coult test it alone).

I need your feedback on new version, while I'll do my best to update my machine ASAP.

Comments (42)

  1. lydianb79

    Can't wait to get home to do a fresh compile. Will report tonight. Thanks already for the awesome work done trickerer!

  2. trickerer reporter

    I would recomment to give your players some time to get their items back.
    And I'm afraid before you will be able to test anything, you'll need this Readme

  3. trickerer reporter

    Full changes list can be found here
    Small tip.
    Why this version is 4?

    First version of npcbots was created by Yad (mangos), but bots didn't get much popularity there (there were only 3 classes available).
    Second version was written by TC enthusiasts along with Peldor, who converted the code for Trinity (afaik).
    Third version is what you could see here just yesterday.
    So, finally, this is version 4 and it is alpha, be wary.

    And 4.0.16a is because this whole work has taken place in 16 big commits. From now on, npcbots patch is gonna be versioned.

  4. Maxxgold

    NPC Bot's need to spawn in under the correct faction. If i'm alliance then it should spawn in under Alliance.

    I spwaned in a bot and set the facton to Alliance. Then when I dismissed the bot it reset it's faction to Horde and it attacked everything in it's path.

  5. trickerer reporter

    When you dismiss a bot through a gossip, there is a chance that they'll become hostile and attack you. Please read full changes, I have provided a link above. Still, I am glad this crash on startup only happened to me.

  6. Maxxgold

    After purchasing an NPC it doesn't automatically go into your group, you have to add it.

    After you select the Dungeon finder and warp to a dungeon the character names for the NPC Bots all go to Unknown. You can do a /reload and the names show again.

  7. Maxxgold

    The problem with them going hostile is that they stay hostile and keep respawning and attacking everything

  8. Maxxgold

    After dismissing an NPCBot and then attempting to rehire it the bot switches it's faction and starts attacking me and everything else.

    So far I have tried to re hire 2 NPCBots and they both switched faction and killed me.

    Faction needs to be permanent.

  9. trickerer reporter

    When you dismiss a bot he will become enraged and noone will be able to hire it in 1 hour, enraged bot will attack anyone trying to hire him. I'll post full playing manual later, I'll describe bots' behavior there.

  10. Maxxgold

    After being killed by an NPCBot I can not resurrect once I get back to my body. The Resurrect button is there but it doesn't do anything.

    Update This was because the server crashed

  11. Maxxgold

    I'm getting chat spam that says "You can only be in 10 Channels at a time" It repeats over and over again.

  12. Maxxgold

    I deleted all my bots to move them somewhere else because having them in a populated area when they switch factions is not a good idea.. I couldn't get bot 70212 to work.

    npcbot delete 70212

    Npcbot 70212 already exists in characters_npcbot table!

    I tried to move it with npc move 70212 and nothing happened.

  13. trickerer reporter

    Well, there are no such issues at old revision, at least I cannot reproduce it.
    When bot is spawned, his faction is set to faction from characters_npcbot table (14 by default). When you use .npcbot set faction command DB is updated, npcbot's faction is updated too. If bot changes faction (hired, enraged) it is only temporarily and once bot reaches his spawn point his faction is restored to faction from characters_npcbot table.

    And you can't get error 'Npcbot 70212 already exists in characters_npcbot table!' while using .npcbot delete command, only with .npcbot spawn and bots cannot be spawned twice.

  14. Maxxgold

    That may be true but that's what happened. It may have been from the server crashing. I have restarted the server with fresh sql and it's ok right now.

  15. Maxxgold

    I hired a priest bot and then dismissed it and it became enraged and killed me. After killing me it resurrected me and healed me up. I guess that's ok but it seems that if someone is enraged with you they wouldn't bother to res you and then heal you. The whole enrage thing is really annoying to be honest.

  16. Maxxgold

    If all of my players, about 100 want to have 4 bots each that's 400 bots that I would need to create. Is there some future consideration for where we are supposed to put all of these bots. 400 bots all over the server is not going to work for several reasons. All the grids that these bots take up will not unload. Unloading is not an issue for me because I don't unload the grids but I'm not sure what the effect of having 400 bots spread out all over the place is going to have. Most people can't run the server without un loading grids so that may be an issue for a lot of people.

    Is there some way we can have an NPC that you talk to and hire the Bots ? The bots can already be in the database and then you just simply hire them from one NPC.

  17. lydianb79

    Compiled with Source from today on windows 7 without warnings or errors. I already added some npc's to play with and mostly got killed because the 'set faction' was not correct somehow. After setting this up they were quiet and willing to assist. I did not manage to show them as "players" in my group which made the experience shomehow different. Maybe I am missing something. I really appreciate the work you do, that's innovation !

  18. mack sparn

    Got it setup and tested things out, im really loving the changes as a singleplayer point of view. Even if this is an alpha version, its way cooler than the original way of bots being just minions. Thanks again :)!

  19. trickerer reporter

    @Maxxgold this enrage thing is needed because players should not be able to constantly change their bots, and that's why default bot cost is not zero. I accept my mistake about enraged bots helping players.

    Now info about bots grids usage:
    if you want to spawn 400 bots (there are only 245 of them in db), you don't need 400 grids to be loaded all the time.
    1) bots use grids like players do, but bots follow players, so they do not use extra grids. 2) let's imagine you want to spawn 400 bots in starting zones. Then you need only <number of starting zones> extra grids loaded.
    Hope it helps.

    @lydianb79 Let me explain how faction affects bots. If bot is friendly to players, they can hire it normally (except enraged state). If bot is hostile players can still talk to him but can never hire it (maybe only under mind control idk). While bot is hostile, he stays quiet. But if he sees a hostile action within sight range, he will instantly attack, and the only way to shake of the bot is too run away or kill him. Trying to hire a hostile bot is considered as hostile action. Hope I cleared something for you.

  20. Maxxgold

    @trickerer I'm getting used to the enrage thing so I can deal with that now. I would still like to see an NPC that we can hire the bots from and have the NPC's already in the database : )

  21. Maxxgold


    Are you on the latest trinity core and did you apply the sql files to your database ? If you are using patches like Ahbot and Passive anti-cheat then you need to use the patch.patch first and then apply the other patches.

  22. trickerer reporter

    @Maxxgold Fixed that group frames issue.

    Do you mean that I must spawn all the bots myself and add a npc that will allow players to hire bots without need to find them around the world?

    Oh, and yes, bots are not automatically join your group first time, but it you have bots in group at logout, group will be recreated.

  23. lydianb79

    Thanks for the explanation of set faction trickerer!

    -Dungeon Finder works well if the bots have required roles assigned, would be nice if they select the missing roles automatically, expample: warrior automatically assigns tank role if required

    -Dungeon finder does not work without first inviting the bots and assigning roles, would be nice to have the bots automatically join if they are not hired, regardless where they are

    -Purchasing a bot does not automatically add it to group, I need to click "add to group", what is the intention of adding a bot and not seeing it as group member?

    -Sometimes when I teleport i miss a bot, even after waiting some minutes

    -Bot names in Group sometimes show as "unknown", /reload solves this

    -I am not able to convert the group to a raid, button is not enabled.

    -Bot max per player seems to be 4. Setting more than 4 in the config has no effect.

    -The Bots fall trough elevators ((like in ICC), did not try the height.patch

    It would be funny if the bots would randomly yell stuff like real players would do. As soon as they are hired they become quiet. In the Past I have used a combination of the old NPC Bots together with this one:

    If the new NPC Bots are capable of doing something similar, the script above would not be needed anymore and it would give the impression of having a populated and "alive" world.

  24. trickerer reporter

    @lydianb79 basically, bots don't need any roles to join LFG, I could just add full role mask to each bot so roles could be chosen automatically, but I don't want to make this more complicated than needed. You assign roles to your bots only once anyway.

    Unfortunatelly, bots cannot join LFG while master already queued. Sad but true, for now you must first invite all the bots you want in LFG, in your group and only then you can queue in LFG with them (I mean queue them with you lol). More than that, bots cannot join LFG without group, they cannot be free here (as for now).

    Purchasing bot will not put it in your group, yes, and this is intended. Check my previous comment if you didn't already.

    If bot does not teleport to you that means he just cannot. Bots cannot teleport to dungeons while not in group! Bots cannot teleport to map if the area is restricted for bots.

    I fixed the 'unknown's, gonna push soon.

    I don't really know, but seems like you can't convert LFG group into raid group.

    Did you even read the explanation of this parameter? It states clearly: maximum is four.

    I am not a player so I desperatelly don't get this whole random yell/say/whatever thing. Sorry.

  25. Kittnz

    Well the random chatter is fun because it makes them more like real life players. Don't forget most of us use the bots to play alone and some on servers. I use it to play alone and having those bots talk and responds too what you write and or act on the things they say. Or you can command them. It brings them out as a real players. Same with the battlegrounds, if we could have AV with 39 bots and one player, have the bots travel and take over towers and bunkers. Some camp or run straight for the boss. This would make it more alive and then you can finally play wow alone.

  26. mack sparn

    Don't scare off trickerer with all these 'extra little things' with very low importance at this point in the development of his bots.

    Hes doing a great job on this stuff without any type of payment for our own enjoyment. Sounds like a lot of work adding in all the stuff you want. :)

    That being said, if you decide to set up a donations page, I would gladly show my support for this work you do Trickerer.

  27. Kittnz

    Not that he needs to do what i am saying. It's just input and if he wants to follow it (and i hope he does), the better for us!

  28. Itchigo

    I happen to agree with mack sparn ... at the moment im thoroughly enjoying the new bot with no crashes,, if you need bots to talk to you then there is retail where you talk to human bots that after a while you will want to shut up lol ... the only thing atm i would like to see changed is the amount of bots we can have since alot of us do use this to play solo is increase amount of bots avail to use per person. and also that annoying faction change with hostile bots. well thats my 2 cents good work trickerer keep it up !!!!!!

  29. trickerer reporter

    Thank you my friends. Did you test the blademaster? I'd like to know if this spellwork emulation thing is worthy.

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