Mysql - World_bots

Issue #117 closed
Icey created an issue

sql error 1054 unknown column faction_a & faction_h in field list

your SQL

insert into creature_template (entry, difficulty_entry_1, difficulty_entry_2, difficulty_entry_3, KillCredit1, KillCredit2, modelid1, modelid2, modelid3, modelid4, name, subname, IconName, gossip_menu_id, minlevel, maxlevel, exp, faction_A, faction_H, npcflag, speed_walk, speed_run, scale, rank, mindmg, maxdmg, dmgschool, attackpower, dmg_multiplier, baseattacktime, rangeattacktime, unit_class, unit_flags, unit_flags2, dynamicflags, family, trainer_type, trainer_spell, trainer_class, trainer_race, minrangedmg, maxrangedmg, rangedattackpower, type, type_flags, lootid, pickpocketloot, skinloot, resistance1, resistance2, resistance3, resistance4, resistance5, resistance6, spell1, spell2, spell3, spell4, spell5, spell6, spell7, spell8, PetSpellDataId, VehicleId, mingold, maxgold, AIName, MovementType, InhabitType, HoverHeight, Health_mod, Mana_mod, Armor_mod, RacialLeader, questItem1, questItem2, questItem3, questItem4, questItem5, questItem6, movementId, RegenHealth, mechanic_immune_mask, flags_extra, ScriptName, WDBVerified)

Changed to ????

insert into creature_template (entry, difficulty_entry_1, difficulty_entry_2, difficulty_entry_3, KillCredit1, KillCredit2, modelid1, modelid2, modelid3, modelid4, name, subname, IconName, gossip_menu_id, minlevel, maxlevel, exp, faction, npcflag, speed_walk, speed_run, scale, rank, mindmg, maxdmg, dmgschool, attackpower, dmg_multiplier, baseattacktime, rangeattacktime, unit_class, unit_flags, unit_flags2, dynamicflags, family, trainer_type, trainer_spell, trainer_class, trainer_race, minrangedmg, maxrangedmg, rangedattackpower, type, type_flags, lootid, pickpocketloot, skinloot, resistance1, resistance2, resistance3, resistance4, resistance5, resistance6, spell1, spell2, spell3, spell4, spell5, spell6, spell7, spell8, PetSpellDataId, VehicleId, mingold, maxgold, AIName, MovementType, InhabitType, HoverHeight, Health_mod, Mana_mod, Armor_mod, RacialLeader, questItem1, questItem2, questItem3, questItem4, questItem5, questItem6, movementId, RegenHealth, mechanic_immune_mask, flags_extra, ScriptName, VerifiedBuild)

Comments (7)

  1. shooter556

    same error ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 9: Unknown column 'faction_A' in 'field list' Could you plz update that world_bots.sql, 'cause I don't know how to modify it.

  2. hansi stumm

    on the /<source>/sql/Bots folder is an wrong sql too. maybe an older database is better and patched up to date?

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