NPCbots preventing Priests Spirit Tap

Issue #126 resolved
Trev C created an issue

Not sure if this is them getting the killing blow but I am finding that Spirit Tap almost never procs when I play as my Shadow Priest with NPCbots in the group. It doesn't seem to matter if I have one NPCbot or a whole group. If I look in the combat log nothing shows up in the combat log for it.

If I set all the bots to only heal or do nothing, it will proc, so it does appear to be combat related.

I drop the bots and it procs every kill.

Comments (3)

  1. trickerer repo owner

    What bug to be found here? Just as if you play in normal party you must deliver a killing blow to trigger Spirit Tap. Well, maybe; do your pet killing blows also trigger Spirit Tap for you? It may be funnier if bots could act that way. It only may be though, and not for everyone.

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