MySQL Disappearing Bots

Issue #141 closed
Ken created an issue

I am having issues with Bots Disappearing when I shutdown the server for the night. Im just a casual but I have been getting into MySQL lately.

Previously the error was that it was ignoring the npc’s last spawn as it wasnt found in mother pool when it was loading from MySQL.

I rebuilt my cmake and thought maybe that will help but it did not. I just lost two of the 4 npcs from yesterday’s gameplay.

The npcs I was using were 70003 Fighter, 70201 Priest, 70351 Warlock, 70060 Paladin.

The Fighter and the Priest was missing when I started up and logged in. I tried going to them not by their code of 70003 but of their SpawnID.

When I used the code .go “spawnid” I was teleported to the place I spawned them first but they’re not there. I used .npc move “spawnid” but it didnt work either.

Any clue on how I can troubleshoot this?

Comments (2)

  1. Ken reporter

    Never mind I solved this by going into MySQL → Characters → Respawn table and deleted their GUID rows. They re-spawned right back into the game including the missing ones.

    Also the error was giving something like
    ”Loading saved respawn time of ############# - spawn does not exist, ignoring”

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