Feature Request: Random enemy bots spawn

Issue #30 closed
conan513 created an issue

If possible, please add this feature: random enemy bots spawn near to players and give honor points when killed. This feature make WoW more single player compatible and make more fun on low populated servers.

Comments (6)

  1. trickerer repo owner

    Honor for npcbots? It is possible... I can understand this cuz even two npcbots can make problems to any player. Still, honor amount should be reduced in any case. Wanna see if anyone approves this idea.

    But I don't like the 'random spawn near player' thing. Players will surely abuse this to farm honor. Moreover, npcbots just cannot spawn randomly, they cannot act without master. For any challenge with bots we have to wait until I merge npcbot AI with playerbot AI and create bots which will be able to act by themselves in some cases

  2. conan513 reporter

    ike3 on github working on a playerbot fork for mangos and mangosR2, where bots no need a master character and spawn enemy bots near to players up to 5% chance

    in another fork there spawn over 400 bots and guard the cities, but your right the strongest players farming bots for honor points

    I like WoW, but only in single player and without players, it's very difficult to get honor points :D

  3. trickerer repo owner

    NPCBots v4.0.16a

    Make bots static in world (Closes #77, Closes #72, Closes #89, Closes #90, Closes #68, Closes #96, Closes #101, Closes #104). Drop 4.3.4 branch support (Closes #74, Closes #75, Closes #85, Closes #87) Add basic honor for bots (Closes #30). Bots' stats are no longer depend on players (Closes #83, Ref #97, Ref #98). Convert equips from ItemTemplate from Item and make bots use real items and benefit from all items properties except certain class ability improvements (increase damage, decrease cast time, etc.) (Closes #51). Add Auto-equip option, allows to quick-equip items with simple item comparison algorithm (item level) (Closes #63). Add 'Unequip all' option, allows to unequip all items (Closes #95). Make npcbots' stats fully player-like (Ref #97, Closes #98). Disable custom cooldowns (Closes #97, Closes #100). Modify bots' formation to never spread too much (Closes #99). Allow bots to attack neutral units (Closes #107). Allow npcbots to queue into Dungeon Finder with master (Closes #20). No manual yet

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