
Issue #33 resolved
David Magalhães created an issue

It's possible to make bots occupy space in raid for example.

10 man raid, with 10 players inside, i can still put bots.

let's say i have 9 players, i can put one bot only.

Comments (12)

  1. David Magalhães reporter

    well but if players are 9 and limit bots set in cfg are 9 it means 18 players on 10-man mode

  2. David Magalhães reporter

    what i was saying is that imagine 8 players in a 10 man raid, they are able to put 5 bots each of that player ignoring the raid limits (10 player max)

  3. trickerer repo owner

    Help me to clearly understand what is your wish.
    What I did:
    npcbots should respect instance players limit so for example if 6 players go into 10-man instance they can only summon 4 more npcbots (in total, not each)

  4. David Magalhães reporter

    okay ur patch is working fine for bots! but imagine if i'm in a dungeon with 4 bots

    wich means 5 players in (no one else can come in) but if i'm already inside, and i invite a player... he can get in the dungeon.

    So i guess it will be needed a check when a player enters instance also.

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