[Invalid] error when compiling

Issue #4 invalid
milikero created an issue

hello I throws error when compiling the latest version of trinity.

Error starts from here on: /src/server/game/Handlers/CharacterHandler.cpp

WorldSession *botSession = new WorldSession(lqh->GetAccountId(), NULL, masterSession->GetSecurity(), masterSession->Expansion(), 0, masterSession->GetSessionDbcLocale(), 0, false);

I congratulate you for this good work I was looking with hope to use ances on my server greetings.

sorry my English is regular

Comments (8)

  1. trickerer repo owner

    TrinityCore rev. I am using is pretty outdated (483fb42306b). Since you didn't post any compile error messages I thing the better solution is to wait until I update this patch. Gonna post it here. Thank for understanding

  2. trickerer repo owner

    Обновил патч под последнюю реву от 7.09.12. Если ошибка не устранилась выложи ошибки компилера.
    Updated patch for last rev from 7.09.12. If this problem persists post your compilier error output here.

  3. trickerer repo owner

    seems like original problem wasn't related to this patch, if so, this issue will be closed in 3 days

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