Unknown Item Errors

Issue #40 resolved
Nobody created an issue

Getting a lot of unknow Item Errors since commit
c7828cf Update SQL files for new creature equip system

I re-ran all the SQLs just to make sure I didn't miss one, but that did not help.

Attached Error logs

Comments (11)

  1. Nobody reporter

    Hmmm. Maybe it's just my DB? I get the same errors with the new SQL. I loaded up a fresh TDB and tried with that was well though...

    I Also looked up the items in the DB, both my own, and TDB... Cannot find them...

    Item ID 11343 Item ID 13622 Item ID 1909 Item ID 18002

    And so on...

  2. trickerer repo owner

    Part of code which checks equip items' existance looks up not in item_template but in Item.dbc. Okay, gonna try to replace them with something else

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