Update for 4.3.4?

Issue #50 resolved
Josh Carter created an issue

Just a small Feature Request.... Any future plans to update this to TC-4.3.4 ?? There are a few code-style changes, and a few structure changes that would need done, but it should be pretty easy to port for 3.3.5 to 4.3.4

Comments (14)

  1. Josh Carter reporter

    Nice. I'll DL the 4.3.4 DB and take a look. Shouldn't be that different from the 3.3.5 as far as structure goes.

  2. Josh Carter reporter

    I only found one column in the DB that is different. Creature_Template 4.3.4 doesn't have 'trainer_spell' column.

    That caused world_bots.sql to fail. I just manually added to my DB as tinyint 4 unsigned not null, like the other columns were. Worked fine after that.

    Had no conflicts with character_npc_bots.sql No conflicts with world_bot_helper_locals_... sql

  3. Josh Carter reporter

    Hmm. I did have trouble in game though. .npcbot * commands seem to be working, helper brings up the locals script, but it returns an error

    Player::addSpell: Non-existed in SpellStore spell #69001 request. Player::CreateNPCBot() CANNOT create bot of class 1, not found in DB

    Strange because the SQL's ran w/o error after adding in trainer_spell field... Maybe missing from the dbc's ?

  4. trickerer repo owner

    "Player::CreateNPCBot() CANNOT create bot of class 1, not found in DB" means it's pure DB problem (I guess value type mismatch).

    Well, it's time to move on 4.3.4 branch then

  5. Josh Carter reporter

    Oh, of course, I feel like an idiot. The initial port is just fine. I was logged in as a Worgen, and of course there is no DB support as of yet for Worgens... They're not in the SQL yet. DOH! I made a human warrior, and tested, npc bot spawned just fine.

  6. Josh Carter reporter

    Edited the patch slightly for SQL and added in case RACE for Goblin and Worgen... Unsure on how pull requests work, or if you even want them though. I"ll just attach what I have, so you can use it or discard it.

  7. Josh Carter reporter

    Changed level referances in SQL from max level 80 to 85 Edited Player.cpp -> added case for race Goblin, and Worgen Tested -> Working with one crash exception -> Debug points to LFG

    00E03226  00000000  lfg::LFGQueue::UpdateQueueTimers+126  ...\src\server\game\dungeonfinding\lfgqueue.cpp line 546

    Maybe unrelated though with 4.3.4 being so new.

  8. trickerer repo owner
    It was unrelated

    I have found as much, thanks for your work. Updating AI itself will take some more time though. With these spell system changes (spell ranking also) whole ai code must be reviewed

  9. Josh Carter reporter

    Ya. I can see where that would be a whole lot of work with how much of the spell system changed from how it was in 3.3.5a.

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