Bot Giver

Issue #54 resolved
oiler2112 created an issue

is the Bot Giver NPC (ID 60000), no longer used?

The SQL for it is no longer there, and the Bot Giver that i used to use to get bots from, no longer has any gossip menus. it just says greetings and that is it.

Comments (4)

  1. oiler2112 reporter

    The Bot giver was also used for NPCBots. Was there another reason why it was removed? It just seems much easier to use the NPC to get NPCBots, instead of having to use commandline.

  2. trickerer repo owner

    Npc was needed only to add a gossip to it. With '.npcbot helper' (or just '.npcb h') command you can call this gossip anywhere. Make a macro and be happy

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