Bot Teleportation Issue

Issue #58 resolved
Josh Carter created an issue

I'm experiencing a small issue with teleports.

Using .tel command

If I go a small distance, Stormwind to Ironforge, the bots do not teleport to my location.. They try running/flying to my location...

Longer distance, Exodar to Ironforge, and they teleport to me properly.

Commit 0e29ecf

Comments (6)

  1. trickerer repo owner

    Algorithm is the same for any distance inside map, it only checks distance > 533.333 (size of grid). It is Trinity issue with cratures' teleportation (which is almost unused inside core). I am well aware of this problem, but still, thanks for submitting this one, I'll try to find a workaround for this.

  2. Josh Carter reporter

    That seemed to work very well. I tested first with 5 bots in party, then 10, then until group was full @ GM level. I teleported Stormwind to Shatt, to Dalaran to Ironforge, back to Stormwind with no issues. While testing I did run into 2 issues however, and will open them in case you were not aware.

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