Recruit specific role bots

Issue #65 resolved
Joao Correia created an issue

Is there some way to recruit the bot with the specific role you want rather than recruit until you get the right one? Or am i confusing something with the bots male/female/race combinations currently available?

I was thinking something along the lines of extending the npc helper dialogue to include recruit druid tank/druid healer/pala tank/pala healer/pala retri, for example.

Sorry if i'm asking for something already built in, but i can't find how it's done.

Comments (5)

  1. trickerer repo owner

    Alright, I'll explain this one more time. For each class I tried to implement all class spells creatures can use / all talents creatures can benefit from. There is no real specs for bots right now except shaman which will not go melee if has a shield. All classes which can heal will try to heal wounded allies, if class can damage bot will do as much damage as possible, but some classes will not use offensive spells if their mana is lower than X% (15 to 25 for different classes).

    You assign maintank role to bot of any class, you only need your party be larger than just you and your single bot; ranged classes will not try to avoid melee in this mode.
    You can somehow manage your bot's spec by giving them certain equipment (especially weapons). Give warrior two weapons - he is a fury warrior (can wield 2 two-handers at lvl 60). Provide your pally/shaman with good weapon and strength/agilityattack power items and build a retri/enhancement bot; give them spellpower and burst their healing powers (and damage in case of elem shaman).

    This is how it works for now, I want to see if people can get used to this new equips-based stats system.

  2. Joao Correia reporter

    I'm sorry, i'm trying not to be (specially) dense about this, but could you please explain the following: Take a for example a shaman, at what point will it stop casting elem shaman spells and go for melee? Is there any way to control that? Going for absurd, it is conceivable a player would give half strength/agility gear and half spell power gear, how would the bot act then?

    Because this affects things like positioning. On boss fights where you don't want your bots near the boss, it's important to know that you need to take the gear that would make the bot go for melee rather than stay at distance and cast spells.

  3. trickerer repo owner

    You see this criteria was added just temporarily before normal specs are implemented.
    Now about shaman: behaviour depends only on what he wields in mainhand/off-hand, if shaman bot has nothing in off-hand he will always go melee, if shield (or anything because it is by default) then he is always ranged.

    About bots control&positioning you can read more here: #51

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