Tank bot dps issue

Issue #86 resolved
joeylu created an issue

If the player plays tank role, his bot's dps will be sacrificially lower than any DPS player, with same level equitments. For instance, in 3.3.5, a tank with full sets of 245 equitments, his bots only average 2.5k dps, a same level DPSer will get over 5k-6k from his bots

Comments (11)

  1. joeylu reporter

    update: I tried druid and deathknight as tank, there are no isuues for their bots' dps, however, if I play paladin as tank, the dps for his bots are way down

  2. trickerer repo owner

    This happens because bots' stats are based on master's and bot's equipment.
    More attack power - more damage. Bot also gains damage from it's weapons.
    This is one of basic concepts event though there is no manual or anything for bots, I am too lazy to make one yet, sorry

  3. joeylu reporter

    that explains why, tks for the reply guess i have to live with it for now, maybe add some special item dedicated to paladin/warrior tank to increase their attack power anyway, just want to say great work, and keep it going, we have a community with thousands of fans to back you up!

  4. joeylu reporter

    btw, is it possible to take out paladin bot's spell (Hand of Salvation)? it seems the bot will cast it no matter which role it is, i'm playing tank and my dps/healer paladin cast it to me all the time, will be better if non-tank role warrior/paladin/dk dont' cast any taunt spell as well

  5. trickerer repo owner

    Problem is that bots don't 'know' you are the tank. While setting up party with bots use .mt command on unit which is gonna be main tank.

  6. joeylu reporter

    tks for the advice, trickerer but i'm not able to set myself .mt, and that's the issue came from i've already set my paladin bot dps/heal only, while in the battle, it keeps taunting the boss and casting hand of salvation whenever it's available

  7. trickerer repo owner

    Oh, I guess I removed .mt command recently.
    Bots check other bots by roles. In raid they check players by maintank flag (/mt). But in party there is no way to check it. I'll make one but for now... use raid (/mt only on players) or set bot as tank (any bot can tank and some classes look pretty funny at it).

  8. joeylu reporter

    i kinda figured it out this too, lol.. setting /mt on player in raid works perfectly, again, excellent work! .. one last minor issue: for the past month massive tests, apparently even with the same level armor/weapon equipped, mage bots always made themselves top DPSer, while warlock and priest(dps role only) gets themsevles about 50%+ lower, others classes between 20% - 50% lower. for a temporally solution in my server wow server, I tried to set bots damages a bit equally by modifying the creature_template table. After modify the dmg_multiplier field, i'm able to match melee dpser (dk, warrior, etc) to mage bots, however, not for spell dpser.. any solutions? FYI, this is not a compliant, i'm perfectly fine to summon 20 mage bots to fight with me, just a bit less fun ^^

  9. trickerer repo owner

    Well... you can lower mage's damage in bot_mage_ai.cpp by commenting out these rows:

    void ApplyClassPassives()
        uint8 level = master->getLevel();
    -    if (level >= 50)
    -        RefreshAura(ARCTIC_WINDS,3); //+15%/-15%
    -    else if (level >= 25)
    -        RefreshAura(ARCTIC_WINDS,2); //+10%/-10%
    -    else if (level >= 10)
    -        RefreshAura(ARCTIC_WINDS); //+5%/-5%
    +    //if (level >= 50)
    +    //    RefreshAura(ARCTIC_WINDS,3); //+15%/-15%
    +    //else if (level >= 25)
    +    //    RefreshAura(ARCTIC_WINDS,2); //+10%/-10%
    +    //else if (level >= 10)
    +    //    RefreshAura(ARCTIC_WINDS); //+5%/-5%

    Balance problem will persist anyway, especially for poorly geared characters/bots; at some point casters have base damage for their spells while melee classes have only some basic attack power (no str/agi from levelups, no weapon damage).

    Balancing classes gives me headaches since 2011

  10. joeylu reporter

    agree, balancing is a troublesome issue at all time, lol, anyway, just wanna say thank you for your fabulous work!

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