Bugzilla 4.2.9 + scm-bugzilla-plugin 1.3

Issue #1 resolved
Alex Alexandr created an issue

In Bugzilla Configuration - when I push Test Login..... scm-manager writed to me Login failed.

Comments (23)

  1. Jan Börner

    Hi, please make sure that you saved changes to the hostname. In the stacktrace the host is http://myserver.khm.ua which differs from the setting of your screenshot.

  2. Alex Alexandr reporter

    I'm hid this domain..... from "google indexes" on your site =) my adress is [scm .khm .ua] -'s local service) [bugzilla .khm .ua] - in hosts I wrote [scm .khm . ua] [bugzilla .khm .ua] This problem is not just me.

  3. Jan Börner

    Please have a look at the stacktrace:

    20:59:02.896 [qtp952983655-21] ERROR de.triology.scm.plugins.bugzilla.BugzillaGlobalConfigurationResource - Login to Bugzilla server failed.
    de.triology.scm.plugins.bugzilla.BugzillaConnectException: could not connect to bugzilla instance at http://myserver.khm.ua/
    Caused by: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: Failed to read server's response: Connection refused

    It looks like SCM-Manager is not able to connect to your Bugzilla instance at myserver.khm.ua. Please make sure this host is reachable from the server SCM-Manger runs on. Do not check the "use login instead E-Mail" option when you login with the users email adress to Bugzilla.

  4. Jan Börner

    I see a "Caused by: java.security.cert.CertificateException: No name matching bugzilla.khm.ua found" error at the stacktrace. This means that the SSL certificate (https) is not valid for the given hostname. Can you post the stacktrace from the non-secured access (http)?

  5. Alex Alexandr reporter

    I found some error in scm-server.err file

    2014-05-26 15:04:52.924:INFO:oejw.StandardDescriptorProcessor:NO JSP Support for /scm, did not find org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet

    maybe problem here?

  6. Jan Börner

    No, SCM-Manager do not make any usage of JSP files so no JSP support is needed. Thtat's confusing: the logfile scm_server.out you attached above only contains the Cerrtification error that should belong to a https connection. Do you have a reverse proxy that forwards to the https connection?

  7. Jan Börner

    Ok, I found the exception "Caused by: org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcHttpTransportException: HTTP server returned unexpected status: null" which should not appear. I try to reproduce this error with Bugzilla 4.2.9. I tested this plugin against Bugzilla 4.2.5

  8. Alex Alexandr reporter

    ok =), if you want, I can send you VirtualBox VM with Bugzilla 4.2.9 and scm-bugzilla-plugin 1.3

  9. Alex Alexandr reporter

    If this will help you: when there was no "fixed, fix, closed, close, resolved, resolve" plugin worked with Bugzilla 4.2.9

  10. Jan Börner

    Tried to reproduce this issue without luck (on scmm-universe with patched Bugzilla). Can you provide me a download link to your vm? Then I will have a look on it.

  11. Jan Börner

    Ok, I had a look at your VM. It looks like your Bugzilla installation is missing libriaries used for the XML-RPC interface of Bugzilla. If you access http://bugzilla.khm.ua/xmlrpc.cgi you see an error pointing to missing XML libs. If you run the command

    perl install-module.pl XMLRPC::Transport::HTTP

    on /var/www/bugzilla.khm.ua the missing library will be installed and all works fine.

  12. Alex Alexandr reporter

    Thank you so great, everything is working fine now. I think you need add this decision to wiki maybe. because I installed all with help guide and did not know that.

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