Bugzilla CAS Plugin: Require to check Service Ticket through http proxy:

Issue #11 open
Francois Jean-Marie created an issue

I am trying to use the Bugzilla CAS plugin. Indeed the get_https2 call is failing, because the CAS server is behind a proxy. Is there any way to support such configuration.

It result in File Not Found

Note: I am also interested to understand what could be the support model that is available.

Comments (2)

  1. Former user Account Deleted
    • changed status to open

    Hi Francois, do you use Bugzilla and CAS from SCM-Manager Universe, or do you have a standalone Bugzilla and CAS? I guess that you use a standalone Bugzilla. To make https2 work you need a webserver that supports the protocol. To the plugin it shouldn't make a difference whether you use https or https2.

    About the support model: please sent us an email to info@scm-manager.com and describe what you need support for (SCM-Manager, SCM-Manager Universe, Bugzilla, CAS,...).

  2. Francois Jean-Marie Account Deactivated reporter

    Thank you for your pormpt answer. Indeed i have downloaded the Bugzilla_CAS_Plugin on my own instance. It works pretty well for a direct CAS Server. The second CAS server (the one we target :-( is behind a Proxy)) and then the get_https2 call in the AuthCASSaml.pm line 584:

    Access a CAS URL and parses received XML

    sub callCAS { my $self = shift; my $url = shift; my $body = shift;

    my ( $host, $port, $path ) = &_parse_url($url);
    my @xml =

    &get_https2( $host, $port, $path, { 'cafile' => $self->{'CAFile'}, 'capath' => $self->{'CAPath'} }, $body );

    the CAS server I point is supporting https, I believe the LWP:UserAgent shall precise the Proxy information, but do not know how to do.

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