Unable to use Checkstyle Test

Issue #4 on hold
Mark Brown created an issue

I have set 'Config-File for testing' to point to an xml file containing sun checks (taken from: https://java.net/projects/woodstock/sources/svn/content/trunk/webui/tools/checkstyle/sun_checks.xml).

I have the 'Path of files to test' to point to a directory containing java files. I have also tried configuring this property to point to a specific java file.

When I hit 'Checkstyle Test', I receive an 'Error during config load' message through the GUI. In the SCM-Manager logs the only relevant output is:

2015-01-19 15:46:37.449 [qtp1178959898-162] WARN  de.triology.scm.plugins.checkstyle.CheckstyleGlobalConfigurationRecource - File or Folder is not exist - source  and configuration

Can you advise what might be the issue?

Comments (6)

  1. Kird nitlaf

    Hi Mark,

    please try to save your test configuration first and run your test afterwards. Please let me know if this helps.

    Cheers, Dirk

  2. Mark Brown reporter

    I have tried as you suggested, but to no avail. I noted that when I reviewed directory permissions, a parent directory only had read-only access to the root user and since scm-server spawns 2 processes (a root process and a child process owned by the user the app was installed with), I altered the directory permissions to ensure either process could access this directory containing both the check style xml file and a java file. Unfortunately this made no difference. The GUI still reports: 'Error during config load' and the log file reports:

    2015-01-20 15:01:45.921 [qtp1178959898-21] WARN  de.triology.scm.plugins.checkstyle.CheckstyleGlobalConfigurationRecource - File or Folder is not exist - source  and configuration
  3. Kird nitlaf

    Hi Mark, i couldn' reproduce your situation. Are all parent folders of right 755? Do you have read rights for the files?

    Cheers, Dirk

  4. Mark Brown reporter

    Hi Dirk,

    I've eliminated file permissions out of the equation which has improved things, but not resolved the problem.

    When I now click the 'Checkstyle Test' button, a window pops up in the GUI stating the name of the class for which check style should be tested, but no further output is displayed.

    The logs reveals the following error:

    2015-01-22 11:16:51.309 [qtp1178959898-20] ERROR de.triology.scm.plugins.checkstyle.CheckstyleLoader - Unable to create Checker: cannot initialize module PackageHtml - Unable to instantiate PackageHtml

    Any ideas why PackageHtml can't be initialised?

  5. Kird nitlaf

    Hi Mark, i guess you have a rule activated which is not supported by checkstyle anymore. could you please deactivate your ruleset to a minimum of working checks and verify that? Thanks, Dirk

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