Peephole stream is upside down after switiching the camera in pop-up Peephole settings

Issue #33 resolved
Felix Schaefer created an issue


Holoswitch VR & Mobile (Android)


  • Minor: Minor loss of function.

Expected result 

When I click on switch camera in the pop-up Peephole settings in the Holoswitch Dashboard it switches the camera.

Actual result 

When I click on switch camera in the pop-up Peephole settings in the Holoswitch Dashboard it switches the camera and turns it upside down.

When I switch the camera on the mobile app the rotation is back again correctly

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Start Holoswitch VR
  2. Start Holoswitch on an Android
  3. Connect to mobile to PC
  4. Start Pop-up Peephole in Holoswitch Dashboard
  5. Switch camera in the Pop-up Peephole settings

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