Add handling for the CASP PropertyID

Issue #22 resolved
Stacey Haffner created an issue

In order to save time, users should be able to tell whether or not the casp files are setup to show on the same thumbnail in CAS or if they will be in separate thumbnails.

Comments (5)

  1. orangemittens

    Currently Sims 4 Studio offers 3 different CAS recolor types:

    1. Standalone item - generates its own catalog entry. Any recolor textures (the thing that people are editing the giant .dds to make) will show up within the same catalog entry, each with it's own swatch thumbnail (the thing we use color picker or custom swatch thumbnail to make) and will all share the same catalog thumbnail (the thing currently the game is generating for us).
    2. Default replacement - will overwrite EA's catalog entry.
    3. Recolor addition - will add a recolor and associated swatch thumbnail to an existing EA catalog entry.

    So for #1 all will share the same number in the field within the CASP file that sets them to a catalog thumbnail. For #2 it will adopt the number in that field that EA has in the CASP file of the original clone. For 3. it will also adopt the number in that field that EA has in the CASP file of the original clone. Unless I'm completely misunderstanding what you mean :P

  2. Stacey Haffner reporter

    This is what I mean. If a person creates the wrong one, do we want to enable them to fix it without having to clone from the beginning? If not.. we can close this. If so, it might make sense for this to be a lower priority.

  3. orangemittens

    I'm good with just closing this. I've written a mini-tutorial going over the different options illustrating what each will result in within CAS.

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