ERROR: Emulated screen has no colors when run on Safari iOS

Issue #33 resolved
qashto created an issue

When run on Safari on iOS, everything else seems to work but the emulated screen lacks colors and is very dim. Also please add a simple button for loading roms! Lmk if this could be fixed!

Attached are the errors I got when running on Safari for iOS. idk if that will be helpful or not but thought I would include it.

Comments (14)

  1. Valtteri Heikkilä repo owner

    Thanks for the bug report. Mobile Safari support hasn’t really been a focus, but I can do some fixes to get at least the graphics working. IIRC audio also used to be an issue.

    Concerning em-fceux site, I understand the file select button would be for mobile browsers. I can’t promise to add it (or virtual gamepad), but if I get graphics and audio working on iOS, possibly then 😅

  2. qashto reporter

    I think you should definitely focus more on mobile. Your emulator could be the best nes emulator for iPhone users. It could be the best emulator available on the iPhone period!

  3. Valtteri Heikkilä repo owner

    Thanks, very nice to hear you think so! 👍 I fixed the iOS rendering issue as well as audio playback so all should work now on master!

    I tried iOS Gamepad API with my 8Bitdo SFC30 (with the Accessibility Switches trick) but it didn’t seem to work… Do you know if Safari only supports MFi or Xbox One and PS4 gamepads?

    I’ll look into adding the game file selection option next.

  4. qashto reporter

    Safari on iOS doesn’t fully implement the HTML5 gamepad api. My app Nostlan for iOS does although I’m not sure it would work with that controller.

    This is great news!

  5. Valtteri Heikkilä repo owner

    Just published em-fceux 1.0.2 npm with the iOS fixes, and updated the site to have a plus icon to add games. (No virtual gamepad yet though.)

  6. qashto reporter

    This is awesome! Thank you! One little tweak I think you should make is being able to show/hide the controls with a configurable button press cause right now they overlap the screen and the bright white can be distracting when playing a dark levels in a game. I was also wondering if it’s possible to load a save state made by the desktop version of fceux? or a battery save like for the Legend of Zelda?

  7. Valtteri Heikkilä repo owner

    Hiding the UI when canvas is focused is a good idea.

    Save state and SRAM import/export is in #34.

  8. Valtteri Heikkilä repo owner

    I’ve added the hiding of the UI. It hides when game is started or game canvas is clicked. Press Esc to restore or click the top-left burger icon.

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