Is two player working? Will 4 player support be added?

Issue #41 resolved
qashto created an issue

I have two controller support all setup in Nostlan with em-fceux to play two player but it isn’t working. Is this feature supported yet?

Comments (4)

  1. qashto reporter

    setControllerBits doesn’t seem to be working even though I set it up how it was described in the Player 1 inputs work just fine but player two controller inputs just become player 1’s. It’s also impossible to set bit 15, it throws a number conversion error. I can’t find the setControllerBits function in fceux.js so I don’t know how to fix this myself. Please lmk if you can fix it!

    setControllerBits: (bits: number) => void

    Set game controllers state (bits).

    Bits 0..7 represent controller 1, bits 8..15 controller 2, etc. Buttons bits are in order: A, B, Select, Start, Up, Down, Left, Right. For example, bit 0 = controller 1 A button, bit 9 = controller 2 B button.

  2. qashto reporter

    I actually figure out how to make this work! The second controller is set to the zapper by default. 4 player doesn’t work though.

  3. Valtteri Heikkilä repo owner

    The 2-player controls are working. I've updated the API documentation ( section about fceux.setConfig() to list the available settings in em-fceux 2.2.0. It should be now more clear how to configure em-fceux.

    The 4-player (Four Score) support is not functional at the moment.

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