Fine-tune B-CNN models on cub failed

Issue #14 new
Yili Zhao created an issue

When invoked 'run run_experiments_bcnn_train.m' from MATLAB:

error use vl_argparse (line 99)
Unknown parameter 'cropSize'

error vl_argparse (line 79)
      opts = vl_argparse(opts, vertcat(params,values)) ;

error imdb_get_batch_bcnn (line 35)
    opts(i) = vl_argparse(opts(i), {varargin{1}(i),varargin{2:end}});

error getBatchSimpleNNWrapper>getBatchSimpleNN (line 10)
im = imdb_get_batch_bcnn(images, opts, 'prefetch', nargout == 0);

error getBatchSimpleNNWrapper>@(imdb,batch)getBatchSimpleNN(imdb,batch,opts) (line 4)
fn = @(imdb, batch) getBatchSimpleNN(imdb, batch, opts) ;

error initializeNetworkSharedWeights (line 117)
            [im, labels] = getBatchFn(imdb, batch) ;

error imdb_bcnn_train_dag (line 65)
net = initNetFn(imdb, encoderOpts, opts);

error run_experiments_bcnn_train (line 79)
            imdb_bcnn_train_dag(imdb, opts);

error run (line 96)
evalin('caller', [script ';']);

Comments (11)

  1. tsungyu repo owner

    Did you modify the code? I didn't see any option "cropSize" in my implementation. You need to give a default value to the option If you want to add more. To be clear, before you pass opts to vl_argparse, 'cropSize' should be a field in opts.

  2. Yili Zhao reporter

    For validating this error, I just do a clean clone and re-run 'run run_experiments_bcnn_train.m' again, but still got this error.

  3. Yili Zhao reporter

    I setup a breakpoint at line 35 and output the value of varargin{1}:

    ans = 
             imageSize: [224 224 3 10]
            keepAspect: 1
          averageImage: [224×224×3 double]
                border: [32 32]
              cropSize: [0.8750 0.8750]
         interpolation: 'bilinear'
            numThreads: 12
        transformation: 'none'
           rgbVariance: []
                 scale: 2

    You can see there is a field named cropSize indeed, however, opts has no corresponding field. So maybe this why the vl_argparse error.

  4. Yili Zhao reporter

    I think you are right. I check the net.meta structure, and find the cropSize field comes from the pre-trained model, which I download from matconvnet website, but it seems that this model has different format with the one trained from lower version of matconvnet. I will check it again.

  5. Yili Zhao reporter

    The cropSize field problem was resolved by using the older model, however, the MATLAB System Error still exist. I don't know if it is caused by my software stack: matlab r2016b, cuda 8.0, cudnn 5.1 and matconvnet beta19. @tsungyu May you try the current repo with cub again to see if this segment fault exist?

  6. tsungyu repo owner

    I have tested my code using MatcConvnet beta19, Matlab 2014b, cuda 7.5 and cudnn5.0. I guess the cuda version might be the problem. Could you try downgrade the cuda version ans see if the error still exists?

  7. Yili Zhao reporter

    My current GPU GTX 1070 depends on cuda 8.0, so I need to will find other hardware for testing. By the way, does bcnn support cpu training? I try to set useGpu to 0, but it seems that it doesn't work though.

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