Unknown parameter 'useGpu'

Issue #18 new
caraZhao created an issue

Error using vl_argparse (line 127) Unknown parameter 'useGpu'

Error in vl_argparse (line 96) opts = vl_argparse(opts, vertcat(params,values), varargin{:}) ;

Error in cnn_train (line 61) opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin) ;

Error in imdb_cnn_train (line 52) [net,info] = cnn_train(net, imdb, fn, opts.train, 'conserveMemory', true) ;

Error in run_experiments_train (line 17) imdb_cnn_train(imdb, opts);

Can anybody help me? I downloaded all the files refferred in README and ran them on gpu.I don't know where is wrong.

At the begainning,I failed to compile matconvnet on gpu.I compiled it on cpu first and copied mex files to gpu.Then errors as above appeared. I don't know whether it's a problem not compiling on gpu.But my senior fellow apprentice told me it doesn't matter.

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