nonftbcnn error while running run_experiments_bcnn_train.m

Issue #20 resolved
Amir Shehzad created an issue

Hello sir I need your help. Please reply as soon as possible.

After doing settings as mentioned in README for Fine-tuning B-CNN models and running command run_experiments_bcnn_train.m, i am getting this error!

"train: epoch 01: 1/ 24: Error using load Unable to read file 'data/checkgpu/cub-seed-01/nonftbcnn/bcnn_nonft_05705'. No such file or directory."

can u please tell whats the problem?? I dont know what is file "" bcnn_nonft_05705""

I am using Matlab 2017a , cuda 7.5 and ubuntu 14

Full error is :



ans =

CUDADevice with properties:

                  Name: 'GeForce GTX 970'
                 Index: 1
     ComputeCapability: '5.2'
        SupportsDouble: 1
         DriverVersion: 8
        ToolkitVersion: 8
    MaxThreadsPerBlock: 1024
      MaxShmemPerBlock: 49152
    MaxThreadBlockSize: [1024 1024 64]
           MaxGridSize: [2.1475e+09 65535 65535]
             SIMDWidth: 32
           TotalMemory: 4.2302e+09
       AvailableMemory: 4.0818e+09
   MultiprocessorCount: 13
          ClockRateKHz: 1253000
           ComputeMode: 'Default'
  GPUOverlapsTransfers: 1
KernelExecutionTimeout: 0
      CanMapHostMemory: 1
       DeviceSupported: 1
        DeviceSelected: 1

train: epoch 01: 1/ 24: Error using load Unable to read file 'data/checkgpu/cub-seed-01/nonftbcnn/bcnn_nonft_05705'. No such file or directory.

Error in initializeNetworkSharedWeights>getBatch_bcnn_fromdisk (line 201) load(fullfile(imdb.imageDir,{batch(i)}));

Error in cnn_train>process_epoch (line 293) [im, labels] = getBatch(imdb, batch) ;

Error in cnn_train (line 132) [net,stats.train,prof] = process_epoch(opts, getBatch, epoch, train, learningRate, imdb, net) ;

Error in initializeNetworkSharedWeights (line 161) [netc, info] = cnn_train(netc, bcnndb, @getBatch_bcnn_fromdisk, opts.inittrain, ...

Error in imdb_bcnn_train_dag (line 65) net = initNetFn(imdb, encoderOpts, opts);

Error in run_experiments_bcnn_train (line 79) imdb_bcnn_train_dag(imdb, opts);

Comments (1)

  1. Amir Shehzad reporter

    finally worked :-) Problem was with cuda. Solved magically by some commands. and also had to set useVal = true in model_setup and run_experiments_bcnn_train because i couldn't find out how to make a validation set, its name and path as suggested in readme file "You need to prepare a validation set for the datasets without pre-defined validation set."

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