The FILTERS depth does not divide the DATA depth.

Issue #26 new
Ding Zheyuan created an issue

I have trained a bcnn-model.But when I run the bird_demo to test it ,this error appeared.

0.05s to load imdb.

i =


1.29s to load models into memory. Top 5 prediction for test_image.jpg: 161.Blue_winged_Warbler 178.Swainson_Warbler 025.Pelagic_Cormorant 141.Artic_Tern 137.Cliff_Swallow 0.18s to make predictions [GPU=1]

i =


1.43s to load models into memory. Error using vl_nnconv The FILTERS depth does not divide the DATA depth.

Error in vl_bilinearnn (line 214) res(i+1).x = vl_nnconv(res(i).x, l.weights{1}, l.weights{2}, ...

Error in get_bcnn_features (line 95) res = vl_bilinearnn(net, im_resizedA, [], res, ...

Error in bird_demo (line 54) code = get_bcnn_features(net, im, ...

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