Support the latest MatConvNet?

Issue #4 closed
Yili Zhao created an issue

Current implementation is dependent on an older version of MatConvNet, any plan to support the latest MatConvNet, like 1.0-beta20?

Comments (5)

  1. Yili Zhao reporter

    Great, thus we can use the pre-trained models in current version of MatConvNet, thanks for the sharing!

  2. Yili Zhao reporter

    Current code uses MatConvNet 1.0-beta18. If possible, update to MatConvNet 1.0-beta22, which is compatible with 1.0-beta18, and add CuDNN V5 support.

  3. tsungyu repo owner

    We don't have plan to update it to latest MatConvNet. I think the code is compatible to beta19, which supports cudnn v5.

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