Using parpool instead of matlabpool

Issue #8 closed
Yili Zhao created an issue

Since matlabpool has been removed from matlab version 2015a, so maybe the code should use parpool instead of matlabpool?

And, can we enhance this block of code with parfor to accelerate feature extraction?

for b = numel(batches):-1:1
    batchResults{b} = get_batch_results(...
        imdb, ...
        imageIds, ...
        batches{b}, ...
        encoder, ...
        opts.maxNumLocalDescriptorsReturned, ...
        opts.dataAugmentation, ...
        opts.scale) ;

Comments (2)

  1. tsungyu repo owner

    Yes, if you use cpu. As I didn't handle parallel computing using multiple gpus to extract features, you might need to hack the code to support that.

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