bird_demo with bcnn-cub-mm-net model error

Issue #9 closed
Yili Zhao created an issue

If one replace the bcnn-cub-dm.mat with bcnn-cub-mm-net.mat in bird_demo.m, then the running will result in error:

>> bird_demo
0.04s to load imdb.
1.11s to load models into memory.
reference to nonexistent field 'weights'。

error vl_simplenn_display (line 81)
      ks = max([size(ly.weights{1},1) ; size(ly.weights{1},2)],1) ;

error get_bcnn_features>getBorder (line 167)
    info = vl_simplenn_display(net);

error get_bcnn_features (line 28)
border = getBorder(net);

error bird_demo (line 43)
code = get_bcnn_features(net, im, ...

I have checked the structures of bcnn-cub-dm.mat and bcnn-cub-mm-net.mat, and found they are different.

Comments (5)

  1. Yili Zhao reporter

    I have downloaded the updated model, and run bird_demo again. There are still some errors:

    >> bird_demo
    0.01s to load imdb.
    0.43s to load models into memory.
    reference to nonexistent field 'dilate'。
    error vl_simplenn_display (line 82)
          ks = (ks - 1) .* ly.dilate + 1 ;
    error get_bcnn_features>getBorder (line 167)
        info = vl_simplenn_display(net);
    error get_bcnn_features (line 28)
    border = getBorder(net);
    error bird_demo_tub (line 51)
    code = get_bcnn_features(...
  2. Yili Zhao reporter

    The 'dilate' field reference error is because I use MatConvNet 1.0-beta21 which added a dilate option for dilated convolution. After I retrieve version 1.0-beta18, this error is resolved.

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