Edit mode vs. view mode

Issue #3 resolved
Rafi Yagi created an issue

Via Chris R.:

If I am the owner - and I click on the title of a post, it puts me directly in edit mode - I would prefer coming in as an observer and have to hit edit to edit the post. Is that possible?

Comments (5)

  1. Rafi Yagi reporter

    This is ready to go in the next iteration.

    There are two ways to edit a post:

    1. If the sp-theme is installed AND sp-plugin is activated, then all posts will have an "edit" link which will take you to the post URL i.e. "http://mysite.com/2/6/2014/mypost/?edit_mode=true". The important part is the "?edit_mode=true" which is what is called the global $_GET variable. The $_GET['edit_mode'] var determines whether the post is in edit mode or not. If the variable doesn't exist or is false, then the post is in "view mode".

    2. If the sp-theme is NOT installed (perhaps a different one is installed), and the sp-plugin is activated, then the user can access edit_mode by either type "?edit_mode=true" at the end of the post URL, or by add the "SP Post Options" widget to their sidebar where an "Edit Mode" button exists when in view mode, and a "View Mode" button when in edit mode.

  2. Rafi Yagi reporter

    This feature is now available in the most recent build. I will deploy the most recent build tonight with this feature.

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