Gallery only doing 2 images on the iPhone

Issue #40 new
Former user created an issue

I tried uploading 3 at once - only 2 made it. I then tried to upload one more and it uploaded but never appeared.

Comments (5)

  1. Rafi Yagi

    I was able to upload more than two photos using my iPhone.

    What iPhone model are you using, and are you using Safari or Chrome?

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    safari and iPhone 5 - I cannot check now (expensive internet) I will test again this weekend in Sydney

  3. Rafi Yagi

    I just tried on Safari with iPhone 4S (iOS 7) on a 4G connection. I successfully uploaded 4 images. For now I am marking this as minor and we should see if we can replicate this problem in the future.

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