Installing the driver in Kubuntu 15.10

Issue #1 on hold
Provatta created an issue


I followed the steps in the Readme and I can execute the utility but I can't use it. I get windows saying: "Failed to read brightness" "Failed to read mode" "Failed to read colors"

Then the main window appear but whenever I try to change something, I get the same messages again.

Apart from following the Readme steps, is there anything more to do? I'm really excited about this driver/application and I can't wait to use it.

Thank you very much.

Comments (17)

  1. Arnoud Willemsen

    From your story I get the idea that the module doesn't get loaded properly.

    Can you tell me the laptop model you're using? And the output of the following commands:

    uname -a
    dmesg | grep clevo
    sudo dmidecode | grep Product

    dmidecode probably needs to be installed first (the package should be the same name).

    A log of the compiling of the module would be helpful as well.

  2. Provatta reporter

    Hi! My computer is an XMG P704(P177SM-A) (I think it's not available to purchase anymore).

    uname -a

    Linux PC 4.2.0-25-generic #30-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 18 12:31:50 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    $ sudo dmidecode | grep Product

    [sudo] password for provatta: 
            Product Name: P17SM-A                        
            Product Name: P17SM-A      

    dmesg | grep clevo → Nothing happens.

    $ make
    make -C /lib/modules/4.2.0-25-generic/build M=/home/provatta/Downloads/clevo-xsm-wmi/module modules
    make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-4.2.0-25-generic'
      Building modules, stage 2.
      MODPOST 1 modules
    make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-4.2.0-25-generic'
    provatta@PC:~/Downloads/clevo-xsm-wmi/module$ sudo make install
    [sudo] password for provatta: 
    make -C /lib/modules/4.2.0-25-generic/build M=/home/provatta/Downloads/clevo-xsm-wmi/module modules_install
    make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-4.2.0-25-generic'
      INSTALL /home/provatta/Downloads/clevo-xsm-wmi/module/clevo-xsm-wmi.ko
    Can't read private key
      DEPMOD  4.2.0-25-generic
    make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-4.2.0-25-generic'
  3. Arnoud Willemsen

    It's a valid model for this module and it compiles fine, so it's probably an issue with loading.

    Please do a

    sudo modprobe clevo-xsm-wmi

    If it works fine then there will be no return text. In that case follow up with

    dmesg | grep clevo

    If the dmesg does return something then

    sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/clevo-xsm-wmi.conf <<< clevo-xsm-wmi

    should force the module loading during bootup.

  4. Provatta reporter

    Thanks for the support @lynthium

    When I try

    sudo modprobe clevo-xsm-wmi

    I get:

    provatta@PC:~/Downloads/clevo-xsm-wmi-master/module$ sudo modprobe clevo-xsm-wmi
    modprobe: FATAL: Module clevo-xsm-wmi not found.
  5. Arnoud Willemsen


    find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -type f -name clevo-xsm-wmi.ko*

    If it returns nothing then do (in the module directory)

    sudo install -m644 clevo-xsm-wmi.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra
    sudo depmod

    And then the modprobe & dmesg from the previous post

  6. Provatta reporter

    Thank you @lynthium !

    I've got it working! Although the only thing I'm able to use is the selected zone in the image. SCREEN5.png

    Is there no support for this keyboard? And I wonder... Is possible to save the light's configuration when switching off the computer and booting it up again?

  7. Vasanth Kumar

    Hi @lynthium, I had the same issue, followed the steps mentioned. Now, it reads the colors/brightness/mode correctly but it it gives a 'Failed to set' error when I apply changes.

    uname -a

    Linux springbee 4.2.0-27-generic #32~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 22 15:32:26 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    dmesg | grep clevo

    [ 1361.996553] clevo_xsm_wmi: Model Clevo P7xxDM(-G) found
    [ 1362.025534] input: Clevo Airplane-Mode Hotkey as /devices/platform/clevo_xsm_wmi/input/input21
    [ 1362.025644] clevo_xsm_wmi: Polling thread started (PID: 4122), polling at 5 Hz

    sudo dmidecode | grep Product

        Product Name: P7xxDM(-G)                      
        Product Name: P7xxDM(-G) 

    Mine is a 750DM running Ubuntu 14.04.

     sudo modprobe clevo-xsm-wmi

    returns nothing.

  8. Arnoud Willemsen


    For problem one. Does your laptop's keyboard keys do allow you to change brightness and mode? My keyboard has Fn keys for it on the numpad. Also please provide me with the DTST file. (Run as root)

    cat /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT > dsdt.dat

    For problem two. There's a systemd service that allows you to do that. Copy utility/sytemd/clevo-xsm-wmi.service to /etc/systemd/system and enable it.

    I'm not sure if Kubuntu uses systemd though. If it doesn't then you can use "clevo-xsm-wmi -r" to restore the settings and "clevo-xsm-wmi -s" to save the settings. (Both commands as root).


    Are you running the utility as root?

  9. Vasanth Kumar

    I tried running the app as root yesterday. Didn't help. Tried it again today (had restarted the laptop since yesterday) and it started working!.

    Thanks a lot for the utility and support @lynthium .

  10. Provatta reporter

    Hi @lynthium, yes, my keyboard has four buttons. One for the mode, two for brightness(up or down) and the last for switching it on/off (+ fn). I sent you the dsdt.dat file via email because I don't know where to upload it.

    About the service, I did what you suggested +

    sudo systemctl enable clevo-xsm-wmi.service
  11. bp

    Hi @lynthium I installed the module and utility, but I can't change parameters. I get "Failed to set brightness", "Failed to set colors", "Failed to set mode". I have a p370sm:

    sudo dmidecode | grep Product


    Product Name: P370SM                          
    Product Name: P370SM   

    I installed the module following the guide in this thread and this is the output of dmesg:

    dmesg | grep clevo
    [   70.154437] input: Clevo Airplane-Mode Hotkey as /devices/platform/clevo_xsm_wmi/input/input22
    [   70.154509] clevo_xsm_wmi: Polling thread started (PID: 2751), polling at 5 Hz

    Thank you

  12. bp

    hi @lynthium thanks for answering

    Short report: something works, something not, but all in strange way :)

    my first attempt was with the original module loaded. I unload the original (rmmod) then tried the test1. with it loaded the brightness doesn't work and only the the "background mode" works, except the custom option and consequently the options related to it. if cycle (or wave, tempo,ecc) is running and I select custom and click apply, the keyboard stops on the current color and remain in this state.

    Then I unloaded the test1 and loaded the test2. This works properly, also custom mode and brightness, perfect.

    The problem there was when I tried to reboot: at the login screen the keyboard turned off and It can not be turned on in any way. the only solution is to remove the module from /lib/modules..../extra and poweroff and poweron the pc (rebooting it not works).

    The strange part: I have done many attempts with various combinations (load only the test2, test1 then test2, original then test 2) but none of them works. The only way to get test2 working is to load the original, unload it and load test1, unload it and load test2; once test2 is loaded and fully functional unfortunately is impossible to reboot and keep it working.

    Thank you for the support.

    EDIT: I checked again this morning and I powered on pc, inserted test1, removed and then inserted test2 and worked. no need to load the original first (maybe I made a mistake yesterday, sorry..). Conclusion: if I insert test2 before having inserted and removed test1, the keyboard turns off. if I do test1 then test2, works perfectly.

  13. Arnoud Willemsen

    Sorry for the late reply. Seems like test2 works best, but I'm a little confused by the need of having to insert test1 first.

    Have you tried installing test2, adding clevo-xsm-wmi to modules-load.d and doing a cold boot (fully powering off first)?

  14. bp

    In all tests I made, I started from a fully powered off system. the test2 when is loaded into the kernel, no matter if automatically (in case of installation) or manually, the keyboard turn off and remain in this state until a fully poweroff. I can't explain why it works after have inserted test1 first, I noticed that it works only by chance. I hope you find it interesting for debug.

    Maybe it's better to move our discussion to another issue.

  15. Arnoud Willemsen

    Jessie, could you supply me with your acpi tables? Found in "/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/". You can use cat to export them to a set of files.

    Also, I created an issue for this (#4).

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