Support for Sager NP8152-S / Clevo P650RP6

Issue #11 resolved
pez created an issue

Add support for Sager NP8152-S / Clevo P650RP6.

Identifies as P65xRP

                .ident = "Clevo P65xRP",
                .matches = {
                        DMI_MATCH(DMI_PRODUCT_NAME, "P65xRP"),
                .callback = clevo_xsm_dmi_matched,
                .driver_data = &kb_full_color_ops,

Module tested and working. Utility was able to set colors, but setting modes didn't seem to work.

Comments (2)

  1. Daniel Fernandes Gomes (danfergo)

    A bit to late, but I want to confirm that on my Clevo P650RP6 It is working! The modes on the utility don't, but they work at the keyboard by making use of Fn+/

    Great module/tool! Thanks a lot.

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