Trouble with QT and utility

Issue #27 resolved
Robert Lord created an issue


I'm opening this issue to create a new thread, it's related to issue #25.

I have modified the module as described in #25 (using P95_HP) and the keyboard shortcuts works just fine now!

I'm using Ubuntu 17.10 with the 4.13 kernel (only kernel that works with my CPU and other hardware).

robban@robban-laptop:~$ sudo clevo-xsm-wmi
[sudo] password for robban: 
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
No protocol specified
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :0

Running the software without sudo gives me the interface but the script doesn't have permissions to change stuff

robban@robban-laptop:~$ clevo-xsm-wmi
[clevo-xsm-wmi] Failed to set brightness
[clevo-xsm-wmi] Failed to set mode
[clevo-xsm-wmi] Failed to set colour
[clevo-xsm-wmi] Failed to set state

The following version of QT am I using:

robban@robban-laptop:~$ qmake --version
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.9.1 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

Is it something I done wrong or something not compatible with the module?

Comments (7)

  1. Robert Lord reporter

    Closing this issue since I found the solution. For anyone else having the same problem, allow root to access the X server :-)

     xhost local:root

    I had googled like a crazy but found the solution right after I wrote this post... rubber ducking!

  2. Christian Loritz

    Hi @robbanlord

    Thanks for this report. I develop in the next few days a new Utility UI. That will rewritten in Python and extract from this repository and move into new repository.

    Greeting Chris

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