Fan support

Issue #7 new
Karol Herbst created an issue

Throug the EC the fan speeds can be read out. There is a project on github which does so and it seems easy to just port this over to the kernel module:

Those values could be exported through hwmon and used in userspace :)

Comments (11)

  1. Arnoud Willemsen

    Very interesting. I had some ideas about extending the util with a daemon to adjust the keyboard colours based on cpu temp. Your work would make that much easier. Let me know when you feel it's ready to be pulled :)

  2. Karol Herbst reporter

    well we could also expose the keyboard backlight in /sys/class/backlight/, but I have no clue what would be the best apporach here, because there are actually three regions

  3. Arnoud Willemsen

    Hmm, it's possible to also expose the keyboard there as a whole per the ABI spec ( But that only defines the brightness and it might confuse a lot of people since that directory is associated quite a bit with the brightness of the screen.

    Keeping it separate as it is now is probably the best choice for now as this module is still open to a lot of change and keeping it separate sort of tells people that?

  4. Karol Herbst reporter

    xpad does funny things, too, and they control all 4 LEDs through the brightness (maybe for this it could be split by byte? or something)

    Anyway, I repushed my branch and added support for the GPU temperature, but the value is 6°C too high (verified with nvidia-settings)

  5. Arnoud Willemsen

    I looked at xpad's code (which I assuming is I'm not familiar with the xbox controllers, but from what I can tell it controls the LEDs on/off/blink state by a single byte (assuming, haven't checked that thoroughly) which it passes almost directly to the hardware.

    Squashing 10 brightness levels, 3 colour regions of 8 colours each (or more should full colour support ever come to be) and the 8 modes into a byte doesn't seem easy to use to me (user wise). You'd have to have all the colour combinations in it I think? Think that gives uhh... 520 choices? Splitting it over multiple bytes would make it easier, but I don't think that's allowed by the ABI.

    Anyway my thinking could be horribly wrong here. What do you think?

    Regarding your branch, I tested it on my laptop. Once the GPU settles down a bit it's off by 8 degrees on both max and low performance modes ( And it's at a solid 29c if the GPU is powered down (with the RPM becoming 0).

  6. Karol Herbst reporter

    it was 26°C for me when the GPU was off.

    I think there is an offset somewhere in the EC regs? Didn't check that, but thanks for checking. At least we know that the difference is different on different systems :D

  7. Karol Herbst reporter

    there is also a delay in the EC for reading the temperature out, so the differences varies a little

  8. Karol Herbst reporter

    well, let's see

    3*3 bits for the colors
    4 bits for the brightness
    4 bits for the mode
    so we need 17 bits in total.
    0x0: black
    0x1: blue
    0x2: red
    0x3: magenta
    0x4: green
    0x5: cyan
    0x6: yellow
    0x7: white
    0b 110 010 011 (0x193): yellow/red/magenta
    0x1c0: left
    0x38: middle
    0x7: right
    0b 1000 (0x8): 8 brightness 8
    mask: 0x1e00
    0b 1000 (0x8): some mode
    mask: 0x1e000
    mask of entire value range: 0x1ffff
  9. Karol Herbst reporter

    but yeah, that is ugly to deal with.

    Another idea: we just expose the brightness over the keyboard_brightness subdev and use driver specific sysfs entries for the colors stuff. This way userspace can control the keyboard brightness and the brightness key events could just be forwarded to userspace.

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