ManyToOne relation not working, throwing NullReferenceExc.

Issue #7 wontfix
Benjamin created an issue

The table layout is as following:

    public class Artist
        [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public string Name { get; set; }

        public List<Track> Tracks { get; set; }

    public class Track
        [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string Path { get; set; }
        public string Filename { get; set; }

        public Artist Artist { get; set; }

        public int ArtistId { get; set; }

I can create artists without a problem (not linking any tracks). Creating a track linked to an artist gives a NullReferenceException thrown in TableQuery.cs:407

                if (mem.Expression != null && mem.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter)
                    // This is a column of our table, output just the column name
                    // Need to translate it if that column name is mapped
                    string columnName = Table.FindColumnWithPropertyName(mem.Member.Name).Name;
                    return new CompileResult
                        CommandText = "\"" + columnName + "\""

This is because we are trying to find a column named Artist, instead of the relation itself.

I don't really know enough about this library to see where (and why) it goes wrong.

If you need more info, please ask.


When removing the ArtistId column and letting the ORM create its own mapping, I get the following create table query:

"create table if not exists \"Track\"(\n\"Id\" integer primary key autoincrement not null ,\n\"Title\" varchar(140) ,\n\"Path\" varchar(140) ,\n\"Filename\" varchar(140) )"

Where I don't see any reference to the Artist table.

Edit number 2:

The class responsible for managing data access (sorta)

        public MusicTrackerDataContext()
            connection = new SQLiteConnection(new SQLitePlatformWinRT(), Path.Combine(Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, DATABASE_NAME));


            ArtistTable = connection.Table<Artist>();
            TrackTable = connection.Table<Track>();

        private void Initialize()
            var result = connection.CreateTable<Artist>();
            result = connection.CreateTable<Track>();

That class is called whenever a connection to the database is made.

Then the class where we use the database (scanning a library and adding entities)

        private Track CreateTrack(string trackTitle, Artist artist)
            var track = dbContext.TrackTable.Where(
                t => 
                    t.Title == trackTitle && t.Artist == artist

            if (track == null)
                track = new Track();
                track.Title = trackTitle;

                track.Artist = artist;

            return track;

        private Artist CreateArtist(string artistName)
            var artist = dbContext.ArtistTable.Where(
                    a => a.Name == artistName

            if (artist == null)
                artist = new Artist();
                artist.Name = artistName;

            return artist;

The code fails when we try the Where(), because the column Artist does not exist.

It is circumvented by the following code

            var track = dbContext.TrackTable.Where(
                t => 
                    t.Title == trackTitle && t.ArtistId == artist.Id

It works, but it's not how I want to interact with my data. Using it like this means that wherever I want to look for something, I need to remember to use ids, and not entities. (the same applies for adding, updating and retrieving entities with a OneToMany relation, I need to {Insert,Update,Get}WithChildren()).

Comments (7)

  1. Guillermo Gutiérrez

    The NullReferenceException is not being raised in SQLite-Net Extensions code, but in SQLite-Net code. ManyToOne (and all relationship attributes) inherit from IgnoreAttribute, so SQLite-Net should ignore that properties when inserting/reading the objects into/from the database.

    Maybe you are missing the call to conn.CreateTable<Artist>? If you can provide a sample project I'll try to help you further.

  2. Guillermo Gutiérrez

    I see, the problem is that you are accessing a SQLite-net Extension relationship property in a SQLite-Net query. Joining tables in queries is not currently supported in SQLite-Net Extensions, and won't be supported in a near future.

  3. Benjamin reporter

    That's too bad. Do you know what would be needed to support this? If I have some time I might take a look (but I'm fairly new to RT and LINQ)

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