error "unauthorized access to system/lib/" in android 7.0

Issue #105 resolved
ALI GHAZI created an issue

I get this error when trying to create the connection from Sqlite.Net namespace for use with SQLite-Net Extensions. I don't get this error if I create the connection in SQLite namespace but since those connections don't provide the extension methods that I need (from SQLite-Net Extensions lib) I am forced to use that connection.

Comments (5)

  1. Дима Никифоров

    Xamarin changed native sqlite dll(it's seems,, so android 7 doesn't support SQLite.Net(As for me, Nexus 6P just show this message, Motorola crashes while initialize sqlite, i'm not sure, why it is different behaviour). You can update to alfa version of sqliteNetExtensions(but please delete all old references to Sqlite.Net), I tried it for several days, no issues found

  2. ALI GHAZI reporter

    Thanks for response, yeah its weird it used to crash my nexus 5p as well but then I built with the older version of andorid build tools and it didn't crash anymore.

    I will update to alpha and give it a go, will report back if any problem arise.

  3. Alex Abreu

    Hi Ali, can you send me the steps to update to alpha version please. I'm using Xamarin with Android 7 and I'm having the same error.

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