Is this still being maintained?

Issue #121 new
Michael Gobbers created an issue

Is this project still maintained? The last commit dates back from 2016. We have a project that uses this and want to move to the official sqlite-net package but we are blocked because of this project.

When can we expect the V2 alpha to go to stable?

Comments (6)

  1. Guillermo Gutiérrez

    Hello Michael, this project is not under active development (no new functionality is being added). I'm currently time constraint in other projects, so expect some time for manteinance and bug fixing. If this is an issue for you, please consider contributing to the project. Any help would be appreciated.

    Kind regards.

  2. Guillermo Gutiérrez

    Hello @b099l3. I think that there are no major issues. So the only changes would be update dependencies to the latest SQLite-Net PCL version and deploy to NuGet.

  3. Gautam Jain

    Guille Guti,

    Are you planning to move from Sqlite.Net PCL to original Sqlite-Net-PCL by Frank Krueger. If so, then please move to latter because it is lot better performance wise and also it is being maintained actively.

  4. Lindsay Miles


    Hoping I can ask a tech question here regarding Guids as record IDs.

    I have created a small proj. with 5 tables, 3 main tables and 2 association tables. Trying to handle many-to-many relationships using your framework.

    All was great using int types for PK and FK fields. Works perfectly.

    I changed to Guid using string as the field type and manually generating the Guid before setting the ID and inserting record into the db.

    Single records work, great.

    UpdateWithChildren and GetAllWithChildren and GetWithChildren break.

    Is there any guidance on many-to-many relationships AND using Guid (strings) as ID field?

    Do I need to handle the association records directly, ie: manually set the FKs (and maybe have a PK) on the association table?

    Eventually, I will sync this with the Azure App Service and Easy Tables so some guidance there would be great too.

    All help/suggestions welcome.



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