Is this project active?

Issue #130 resolved
Natan Podbielski created an issue

I do not see any recent activity from the author at all.

Comments (5)

  1. Guillermo Gutiérrez

    Hello Natan. Pull requests are reviewed and pushed in and issues and questions are answered, but I’m not doing any active development to this project. Mainly because I’m no longer working in any .Net or Xamarin project.

  2. Natan Podbielski reporter

    Ok. Thanks for reply. I saw that nuget package is not even yours. That means there will be probably no new versions of this package. If I would like to do a project using Sqlite on Xamarin with simple ORM you recommend to use this project at all?

  3. Guillermo Gutiérrez

    If you're already using or you're planning on use it, SQLite-Net Extensions is a good addon. You can mix and match plain queries and SQLite-Net Extensions relationships, so it's just some extra functionality for free which can hugely simplify entity relationships and has some workarounds for common problems like recursive relationships and the N+1 problem. If you're planning on building a new application with a relatively complex database and SQLite is not a requirement, I would probably look at Realm Database ( first. It's a very different approach but it just works for most use cases.

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