Android 11 or greater support

Issue #153 new
Tomás Dias created an issue

Hello everyone, I am facing issues when performing operations like “.InsertWithChildren()” and “.UpdateWithChildren()” on Android 11 or greater devices.

Android 10 and everything works fine, but the same APP on Android 11 for example, InsertWithChildren, UpdateWithChildren , GetWithChildren does not work, does not insert all objects as expected.

Is this a known issue? Is Android 11+ supported?

I basically have table A with a OneToMany relationship with table B. I can’t figure out why database operations don’t behave on Android 11 devices the same way as on Android 10 devices. Maybe additional permissions are required?

Code below:

[Table(“TableA”) ]

public class TableA


  [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]

  public int Id {get; set;


  public List<TableB> SubTables {get; set;}


[Table(“TableB”) ]

public class TableB


  [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]

  public int Id {get; set;}


  public int TableAID {get; set;}


  public Table2 SubTables {get; set;}


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