Delete recursive: true with a ManyToMany relationship doesn't delete intermediate records

Issue #21 new
Dustin Friel created an issue

I have a Students and Incidents defined like

public class Incident {
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public List<Student> Students { get; set; }


public class Student {
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public List<Incident> Incidents { get; set; }


public class StudentIncident
    [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public int StudentId { get; set; }

    public int IncidentId { get; set; }


When I call InsertWithChildren (item, recursive: true); of an Incident with Students all the data is inserted into the three tables correctly correctly.

When I call Delete (item, recursive: true); of an Incident or Student the applicable row in the intermediate table (StudentIncident) isn't removed. Note I don't want to the associated Incidents or Students deleted. But I was expecting the associated rows in the intermediate table to be removed.

Is that table something that needs to be handled manually on Delete? A mistake in how I'm defining the ManyToMany? Or a defect?

Comments (4)

  1. Guillermo Gutiérrez

    Yes, it's a known issue. It's harmless because the ID won't be used by a new entity and they intermediate elements will be deleted as soon as the relationship is updated, but it's something I could take a look in depth.

  2. Marcel van der Heide

    So, for everyone facing this issue, I created a small snippet.
    Obviously the code needs minor adjustments to integrate in other projects.

    public virtual async Task DeleteComplexAsync(T model)
        var con = await _database.GetDatabaseConnectionAsync<T>().ConfigureAwait(false);
        // DeleteAsync with recursive set to true, works correctly for simple relations,
        // but does not delete intermediate tables. Also, other entities are deleted without calling there 
        // repositories, which could bring problems in the future.
        // Therefore we delete all child with the following steps:
        // 1. Fetch all child entities (which would also be necessary for SQLite extensions, so no loss here)
        // 2. Loop over all properties and look for relations, which are not null
        // 2.1. Check if property is set for cascade deletion
        // 2.2. Fetch the entity type
        // 2.3. With that, get the repo for that type
        // 2.4. Get the DeleteComplexMethod
        // 2.5. Invoke the DeleteComplexMethod for that child (OneToOne, ManyToOne) or children (ManyToMany, OneToMany)
        // 2.6. Set the property to null
        // 3. With properties set to null, we need to update the entity so that intermediate tables will be deleted
        // 4. Finally, delete the current entity
        var hadChildren = false;
        // Fetch data
        await GetChildrenAsync(model);
        //1. Loop over all properties and look for relations
        foreach (var prop in model.GetType().GetTypeInfo().DeclaredProperties)
            // Get all relationship attributes in a single call to prevent multiple iterations
            var attribute = prop.GetCustomAttribute<SQLiteNetExtensions.Attributes.RelationshipAttribute>();
            if (attribute == null 
                || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attribute.InverseProperty) 
                || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attribute.InverseForeignKey))
                continue; // Not an relation
            var curValue = prop.GetValue(model);
            if (curValue == null)
                continue; // Does not have a value
            // Check if children should be deleted
            if (attribute.IsCascadeDelete)
                var entityType = prop.GetEntityType(out var enclosedType);
                // Build the target repo type and fetch the repo
                var repoType = typeof(IRepository<>).MakeGenericType(entityType);
                var repo = Locator.Current.GetService(repoType);
                // Get and call the DeleteComplexAsync method from the repo
                // Reflection is needed here because of variance
                var delComplexMethod = typeof(GenericRepository<>).MakeGenericType(entityType).GetMethod(nameof(DeleteComplexAsync))!;
                if (enclosedType == EnclosedType.None)
                    var delTask = (Task) delComplexMethod.Invoke(repo, new[] { curValue });
                    await delTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
                    foreach (var entry in (IEnumerable)curValue)
                        var delTask = (Task) delComplexMethod.Invoke(repo, new[] { entry });
                        await delTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
            // Set field value to null, this should also clear intermediate tables ->
            if (prop.GetCustomAttribute<NotNullAttribute>() == null)
                prop.SetValue(model, null);
            hadChildren = true;
        if (hadChildren)
            await UpdateComplexAsync(model);
        // Delete the current entity
        await con.DeleteAsync(model, true).ConfigureAwait(false);

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