Support winRT for Windows 8.1

Issue #22 resolved
Stefan Stumpfl created an issue

I'm messing around getting your great library to work on my windows 8.1 application to use relationships there. Unfortunately I was not that successful until know :(

To get it working I tried to download the source and build it with the sqlite libs we can use for winRT. In order to add a reference to SQLite for Windows Runtime I need to change the target to Windows 8.1 only. Doing that will result in many errors like: "The name 'BindingsFlags' does not exist in the current context" "Instance argument: cannot convert from 'System.Type' to 'System.Reflection.MemberInfo'"

I've also tried to link the SQLite-Net-PCL directly from my project but in the end it's the same situation.

To use sqlite on a winRT application we've to use sqlite-net:

Which requires another sqlite3.dll we can get from an SQLite for Windows Runtime installer:

Is my approach just absolutely wrong or isn't it yet possible to use SQLite-Net Extensions for winRT projects?

Many many thanks in advance for any help you can give me!

Comments (2)

  1. Guillermo GutiƩrrez

    The project is prepared to work with Windows 8.1 Apps, however WinRT hasn't been tested. Depending on the PCL profile that you are using some reflection methods change, that is causing issues with SQLite-Net Extensions.

    Which PCL profile are you using?

    If you cannot modify the PCL profile and you don't have access to some reflection methods you may need to re-implement some of the methods in the ReflectionExtensions class to make it work.

  2. Guillermo GutiƩrrez

    The new NuGet package with Profile 259 supports wpa81, so it should now work for WinRT out of the box

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