SQLiteNetExtensions not working with SQLite.Net 2.4.0 PCL

Issue #25 resolved
Robert Almalak created an issue

I updated from SQLite.Net 2.3.0 to 2.4.0 with my Android Project and PCL and now my CreateTable method wont allow Generic List or array types. (I am guessing because the extension is not recognized anymore somehow)

Comments (10)

  1. Keith Roney

    Can confirm that extensions do not work with v2.4.0 of SQLite.Net-PCL

    On CreateTable you get a "NotSupportedException: Don't know about ... " for ANY foreign key reference, not just list/array types

    Reverting back to v2.3.0 of SQLite.NET resolves the issue.

    Checked with latest version of extensions (v1.1.1) using Nuget package

  2. Guillermo Gutiérrez

    I've been able to reproduce the issue by updating to SQLite.Net-PCL v2.4.0. I'm going to investigate what's happening. Thanks for reporting the issue.

  3. Guillermo Gutiérrez

    It seems that SQLite-Net PCL v2.4.0 is ignoring [Ignore] attributes (all relationships attributes inherit from IgnoreAttribute) and SQLite-Net is trying to create a column for that field. There's nothing that I can do on my side to solve it.

    This simple example reproduces the issue:

    public class DummyClass
        [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Foo { get; set; }
        public string Bar { get; set; }
        public List<string> Ignored { get; set; }

    I've opened an issue in the SQLite.Net PCL Github project to see if they can solve it.

  4. Gary Pope

    I'm still experiencing this issue and I'm using SQLite.Net PCL v2.4.1?

    Before I discovered the issue I even took your source for extensions into my own application so I could debug it (thinking it was the problem).

    My packages say I'm using SQLite.Net PCL v2.4.1 but if you guys say that was fixed, how can I be still be experiencing the same issue?

  5. Gary Pope

    Ignore my last.....my core SQLite.Net PCL was version 2.4.1 but the Touch project was still SQLite.Net PCL v2.4.0! Seems to be working now!

  6. Gary Pope

    No problem, great library by the way! Your library is key to allowing me to refactor my code and get rid of all the messy "flattening" of my data transfer objects into storage objects.

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