TextBlob and OneToMany crashing on Windows Phone

Issue #35 closed
Lars Kristian Hagen created an issue

Not sure about priority, but I figure this is at least Major for the WP8 platform.

Use of InsertWithChild crashes for both TextBlob and OneToMany mapping, on Windows Phone 8. Non extensions based operations work fine. Using the awailable visual studio extension, version The same operations work fine against the Android backend.

Exception thrown: " An exception of type 'SQLite.Net.SQLiteException' occurred in SQLite.Net.DLL but was not handled in user code

Additional information: SQL logic error or missing database"

Installed NuGet packages: JSON.Net 6.0.5 SQLite.Net PCL 2.4.1 SQLite.Net Extensions-PCL 1.2.2 SQLite.Net PCL - WindowsPhone8 Platform sqlite-net-wp8

SQLite for Windows Phone in visual studio (Referenced in the phone project: * Non-Extensions based SQLite.net operations work fine.

Comments (3)

  1. Guillermo GutiƩrrez

    Thanks for the complete report. Sadly I don't have a WP8 environment right now.

    It seems that the crash is inside SQLite-Net. Can you post the complete stack trace and a sample reproducing the issue?

  2. Lars Kristian Hagen reporter

    I'll see what I can do later today. This should be reproducable in the standard Windows Phone emulator. FYI: I have tested it on both emulator and real device

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